Storage place for my horrible Sherlock Holmes opinions. Remind me to elaborate if I ever get the chance. I'm wrong about these. I'll update this I think. Spoilers for everything Holmes related, always.

  • The RDJ Holmes movies were good adaptations. Not very good, but solid.
  • It's possible to write a Holmes adaptation that's a more coherent story and doesn't rely as much on the serial nature of the original ones. BBC Sherlock just wasn't good at it.
  • Making Mycroft Holmes an all-powerful guy who is The Whole British Government is incredibly lame and boring.
  • Likewise, giving Holmes seemingly unlimited money/no care for money is...I guess something you could do but the whole premise of the stories is that he couldn't afford rooms on his own. So it comes off a little weird, do you see what I mean.
  • I know that it's likely because they are the more unique names (thanks to my friend who pointed that out) but Sherlock and Watson? Match the names! If you're worried people won't know who you're talking about, just type out Sherlock Holmes and John Watson. It doesn't take that long. I do it 500 times a day to annoy my friends and you can too.
  • I don't understand why Irene Adler is in seemingly every adaptation. If you're looking for someone to serve the role she usually does (no homo love interest for Holmes to make eye contact with and ultimately abandon), there are other characters who could fit that.
  • Treating Irene Adler as just The Female Love Interest to inevitably be defeated by Holmes in a blaze of fire should get you banned from making Sherlock Holmes adaptations forever.
  • The cliff fight scene adapted directly has a tendency to look ridiculous. Game of Shadows did it better (intense chess match immediately following a lightly homoerotic farewell dance.)
  • The idea that Holmes was a total asshole is stupid but if you overcorrect to him being right and correct and kind and a hero in all his choices I disagree with you and we should all reread A Scandal in Bohemia.
  • The Private Life of Sherlock Holmes was a bad movie and the fact that the coming out scene at the ballet is delightful does not make up for that.
  • I know he was the one who killed Holmes and all, but does Moriarty need to be your main villain? I swear there are other villains in the Canon who are far more fun.
  • On the other hand, The Seven Per-Cent Solution is a relatively good adaptation and the book is alright as well.